All major contact channels in one module!
Built-in all major contact channels such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp,, Skype, Call Me Back, Viber, Twilio(SMS alert), Intercom, Zendesk help desk chat, Telegram, Crisp, VK chat, Slack, Email, Smartsupp, Live helper, LiveChat, LiveChat Pro, Zalo, Tidio, LiveZilla, link to contact page, open direct email. Not enough? You can add more!
- Enable on mobile yes/no
- Sandbox mode yes/no. If yes enter ip address per line who can see module (useful for time you configuring)
- Button settings (for main contact button)
Choose icon, color theme, size, position, x offset, y offset, pulsate speed, icon slider speed, button text, enable/disable button drag
- For Desktop View: Menu size, width, items style, items border, show header (yes/no), menu background, item title color, item subtitle color, hovered item background color, hovered item title color, hovered item subtitle color, shadow size, shadow opacity
- For Mobile View (optional): the same options as above, additionally the following options - show close button in header (yes/no), close button and it's icon color settings
Countdown, pre-message, phone placeholder, phone format mask, process message, success message, fail message, button title, send email, receiver email list.
Integration with Twilio - Twilio is a service for sms notifications, you can integrate call back settings with your Twilio account to recieve sms notifications for call back request
Google recaptcha - this integration prevent spam
OneSignal Web Push Notifications + Cart reminder - this is our another module, those who have it, can integrate it, to recieve web push notifications on desktop or mobile when someone request call back.
Integration with, Crisp, Intercom, Facebook Customer chat, VK, Zendesk, Skype, Zalo, Live helper chat, Smartsupp, LiveChat, Tidio, LiveChat Pro, LiveZilla chat widget. Other channels such as WhatsApp, Viber etc, added as a link.
Show prompt messaging to involve visitor for contact next to contact button. Options: enable/disable, delay first message, loop messages yes/no, close last message yes/no, typing time in ms, message time, time set to show again after it closed.
Add/Edit/Delete unlimited messages in desired order
In this section you can add/edit/delete menu items, sort their order, publish/unpublished. Show/Hide accordingly to device (mobile, desktop or both). Option to display selected contact buttons in product page
When you create or edit a menu item, available options are: Select and assign icon for menu item, set color, title, subtitle, display item in product page(additional area to show in product page), device to be shown mobile or/and desktop, display for certain user groups(all users, logged, non-logged), link action type (link, integration, custom js code, callback form), target(open in new window or the same), Always display item or on selected period of time(option to choose days of week, and time).
Logs of callback requests – customer name, phone, request time, update time, status, delete
Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp,, Skype, Call Me Back, Viber, Twilio, Intercom, Zendesk help desk chat, Telegram, Crisp, VK chat, Slack, Email, Smartsupp, LiveChat Pro, Live helper, Zalo, Tidio, LiveZilla, contact page, email
What this module does for you
Improve customer relations
Today messaging apps have over 2 billion monthly active users! They are convenient as many customers already use them in their daily lives and are comfortable and familiar with their use. They make customer service more personalized and efficient than ever given by enabling direct communication between customers and brand
Increase your conversion rate by opening multiple conversation channels. Instead of buying different social messaging modules get All-in-One module, which allows you to set any necessary contact methods just under one contact button.
What your customers will like
Customer would feel more save and convenience having multiple contact channels with the merchant and can proceed conversation in the preferred social messenger even outside website.