ویژگی ها
The most complete reCaptcha module that protect your Shop from spam and abuse while letting real people pass through with ease. It can be use for contact, login, back-end login, registration, password recovery, comments and newsletter forms.
Compared to traditional captcha, reCAPTCHA is way more user friendly with the "I'm not a Robot" checkbox.
Secure your forms against spam
Advanced Spam protection (against qq.com, 139.com, 163.com, etc.) will stop annoying emails from spam bots via your contact form and stops bots from creating fake accounts in your system. Spend more time marketing to real people, not deleting bots.
User-friendly interface
Our module is simple to install, easy to update, intuitive, efficient, pleasant - easy to navigate GUI and easy to remove. Easy to use for customers too, they already know and love the "I'm not a robot" checkbox.
Easy one-click installation
The installation is according to PrestaShop default behavior. This easy process is also detailed in our documentation.
Customisable appearance
With a customisable design, Version 2 and Invisible reCaptcha will fit the design of your site.
Multi-Language support
This module is compatible with multi-language PrestaShop. Our module allows you to change the text for each language you want to have it in your website.
Multi-Store support
This module is compatible with multi-store PrestaShop. You can install the module in all your stores in a multi-store and use different configurations for each of them or configure once for all stores.
Ensure the security of your Shop and prevent bots from overrunning sites with spam, fraudulent registrations, fake sweepstakes entries, and other nefarious things.
ReCaptcha is the most widely used CAPTCHA provider in the world and knows when to be tough to keep the bots at bay.
We carefully integrated in this module the most important features of reCaptcha as follows:
- Customizable enable zone (Contact form, Back-end login form, Front-end login form, Registration form, Reset password form, Comments form and Newsletter form)
- Incredibly simple settings for fast setup without modifying code
- Option to show ReCaptcha after fail customer login attempts
- reCaptcha version customization (reCaptcha V2 and Invisible reCaptcha)
- Set up reCaptcha theme (Light and Dark)
- Option to select language manually
- Supports multi-language
- Option to select the size (Normal and Compact)
- Edit the Whitelist message with multi-language support
- Hide Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) for the whitelisted IP addresses
- Detailed step-by-step documentation
- Multishop supports
- Module already translated in English, German, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, French, Russian, Dutch, Korean, Bulgarian, Finlandian, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Turkish and Romanian
- Responsive design (format valid for all kinds of mobile devices)